Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Reading: Wu, Tim. Ch. 16 and 19 in The Master Switch; Campbell, W. Joseph. “Fright Beyond Measure? The Myth of The War of the Worlds.” Post thoughts about the reading here for discussion.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Reading: Wu, Tim. Ch. 10 and 13 in The Master Switch. Post thoughts about the reading for discussion.
Writing assignment #9: Find one letter to Howard K. Smith that interests you. Find out some more about the issues addressed in the letter, the actual broadcast, some kind of background. (250-350 words; 4-5 secondary sources).
Writing assignment #8: A 250-word status memo. It should give an account of your search for relevant primary records and secondary sources, the approach you are taking in your research, and the most interesting of your initial findings.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Writing assignment #7: 1. Pick a week from 1955-1980 in TV Guide (on microfilm). Describe that issue (articles, ads, what region it serves) and take note of several specials or featured programming in that issue, usually broken out from the listings as a sidebar. 2. Find a review of (or article about) one of those special programs in Variety and summarize.  (250-350 words; 4-5 secondary sources).
Reading: Leeman, Nicholas. “The Murrow Doctrine;” Campbell, W. Joseph. “Murrow vs. McCarthy: Timing Makes The Myth” and “Debunking the ‘Cronkite Moment.’” We split this assignment up among the class; each of you will read (at least) one of these articles. Post your thoughts about the reading  for discussion.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Today we're watching a documentary, "From Newsreels to News." Let me know what you think.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Writing assignment #6: Listen to the radio version of a popular program and then watch the early TV version. Compare and contrast them. Watch, listen and think critically. (250-350 words; 4-5 secondary sources).
Reading: "World War II and the Invention of Broadcast Journalism," from Michele Hilmes Listening In. Post thoughts about the reading here for discussion. If you're wondering what to write, just tell me the one thing from the reading that you didn't know and that you're still going to remember a year from now.